Thursday, August 30, 2012

What I wouldn't give to be the dog...

Lord, what I wouldn't give to be the dog somedays. For whatever mishaps or wrongs they may do, he quickly forgives and offers them affection openly, without reservation. They get to cuddle, get kind words, kisses on the head...they get none of what I get...

I get looked at like I repulse him, like I have wronged him in some glorious way that I have no idea about. The roller coaster ride continues, yesterday was a good night for a change. A small victory, but a victory nonetheless. So why can't I celebrate it? Because this morning, it is back to business as usual lately and I don't know what to do.

I'm sitting here crying, feeling rejected yet again. I had to follow him out the door to get a kiss goodbye this morning and no response when I said I love you.

I wish I knew what I did wrong.

What I wouldn't give to be the dog (s)

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