Friday, October 21, 2011


I am consumed with thoughts of you. I can not escape them. They take me over in my sleep, they invade my daydreams. I want you in ways that I can not express, but am consoled to hold that longing deep within while it eats away at my resolve. No longer do I have to close my eyes to feel the silkenness of your touch on my skin. The hair along my arm stands on end at the simple thought of it. I long to feel the heat of your kiss, to taste the sweetness of your tongue as it caresses my own...melding my body into yours, burning with a desire that transcends time and space.
It has been far too long since we have felt each other, since we have been one. It is painful, too much to put into words. We avoid it because we can not have it, but oh, my love, if our minds brought to light the true connection of our beings, we would burst into flame at the slightest touch.
I can not have you, can not be one with I strengthen my resolve to be content with the slightest touch, that burns my very soul.

My love, my life, my soul...forever am I yours.

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